Projects of the SOCIUM
Research at the SOCIUM usually is organized in projects carried out by its departments, many of them being financed through third party funding. The SOCIUM receives essential support from institutions such as the German National Research Foundation (DFG), the VolkswagenFoundation, and other public and private organizations, i.e. health insurances.
Protest as a Democracy Test
Research Team: Sebastian Haunss (Head of project); Sophia Hunger (Head of project); Heiko Pleines (Head of project); Nina Krienke; Philipp Srama
The interplay of social contexts and genetic potentials: cognitive and educational development in the early life course
Research Team: Wiebke Schulz (Head of project); Henriette Bering
Qualitative panel: Milieu-specific practices of endangering and maintaining social cohesion
Research Team: Arne Koevel (Head of project); Patrick Sachweh (Head of project); Sebastian Jürss
Comparing Protests and Social Cohesion in eastern and western Europe
Research Team: Priska Daphi (Head of project); Sebastian Haunss (Head of project); Pál Susanszky
Conflicts between social milieus and social cohesion
Research Team: Olaf Groh-Samberg (Head of project); Thomas Kern (Head of project); Patrick Sachweh (Head of project); Wiebke Schulz (Head of project); Tim Schröder; Anne Speer
The Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence in Public Employment Services
Research Team: Martin Dietz (Head of project); Christoph Osiander (Head of project); Markus Tepe (Head of project); Mareike Winkler
DEVCOBA – DEVeloping COllective BArgaining in the Care Sector
Research Team: Ruth Abramowski (Head of project); Anna Hokema; Simone Scherger
Specialised Information Service Criminology
Research Team: Betina Hollstein (Head of project); Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (Head of project)
Evaluation of the Effects of the Regulations on Remuneration According to Collective Bargaining Agreements for Nursing and Support Staff in Long-term Care
Research Team: Heinz Rothgang (Head of project); Freya Diederich
We The (Social) Media: Social Media for and by Social Movements
Research Team: Andreas Breiter (Head of project); Stephanie Geise (Head of project); Sebastian Haunss (Head of project); Hendrik Heuer (Head of project); Anna Ricarda Luther