Room: 1070
Parkallee 39
28209 Bremen
Conferences, lectures or workshops as regards discussion and development of social political questions.
In 2010, Hartz IV celebrates its fifth birthday. As one of the most contentious reforms of the post-war period, it has effectively changed labor-market and social policies in Germany. With their recently published book “Der Fall Hartz IV” (Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.), Anke Hassel and Christof Schiller present the first complete history of the reform, take stock of the current situation and dare to envision future prospects. In a lecture at the Centre for Social Policy Research on November 18, 2010, the authors made clear that the Hartz IV project contradicts popular assumptions about Germany’s capacity for reform as well as concepts of welfare state research. The authors argued that by implementing Hartz IV the Schröder administration proved to have more strategic foresight than generally was assumed. At the same time, the structures of German federalism caused a number of unintended results. Particularly concerning labor-market policy, Hartz IV has proved to be a successful change of the socio-political paradigm, contributing to a significantly increased employment rate. However, the reform can only be considered as a beginning. The authors pleaded for the fact that the dramatic expansion of the low-wage sector, as compared internationally, must be met with a lowering of the tax burden and the introduction of a legal minimum wage. In addition, the financial power of the federal states and German municipalities should be increased effectively, so that a breakthrough can be achieved in the provision of child care and educational opportunities.
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Thursday, 17th June 2010
Address of welcome (Stephan Köppe, Florian Blank)
Chair: Stephan Köppe
Frank Nullmeier and Tanja Klenk, University of Bremen
„Welfare industries: The blind spot of recent social policy research“
Diana Wehlau, advisor for the Senator for Environment, Building, Transport and Europe of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen
„Die Finanzlobby in der deutschen Rentenpolitik - Einflussreich und unkontrolliert?“
Kerstin Hämel, University of Gießen
„Öffnung von Altenpflegeheimen - zwischen zivilgesellschaftlicher Einbettung, staatlicher Regulierung und Wettbewerbsorientierung“
Chair: Tanja Klenk
Tim Eyßell, University of Gießen
„Governance-Strategien kommunalpolitischer Akteure im Bereich sozialer Dienste unter nationalem und supranationalem Vermarktlichungsdruck“
Clémence Ledoux, Science-Po Paris / Université de Nantes
„Wer spricht im Namen der Konsumenten? Religiöse Akteure im politischen Entscheidungsprozess - Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich von care politics“
Louise Hervier, Science-Po Paris
„Staat und soziale Partner. Reformen der Sozialversicherungssysteme in Frankreich und Deutschland“
Dinner, Bandonion
Friday, 18th June 2010
Chair: Stephan Köppe
Benjamin Ewert, University of Gießen
„Verbraucher und Bürger - Zum Zusammenhang verschiedener Nutzerrollen in gemischten Wohlfahrtssystemen“
Florian Blank, WSI - Institute of Economic and Social Research
„Alles nur ein Problem der Information und der Ressourcen? Konzeption und Realität der Verbraucher auf Wohlfahrtsmärkten“
Wolfram Lamping, University of Hannover
„Wohlmeinende Aufforderung zum Selbstmanagement. Verhaltenszuschreibungen und Verhaltenszumutungen an Konsumenten im neuen deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat“
Chair: Florian Blank
Ingo Bode and Felix Wilke, University of Kassel
„Kontingenz auf Wohlfahrtsmärkten der Altersvorsorge“
Stephan Köppe, University of Edinburgh
„Welche Anreize existieren für Haushalte privat vorzusorgen? Risk management in England und Schottland“
Florian Blank, Stephan Köppe
Discussion and more planning