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Windzio, Michael; Weiler, Liz; Hollstein, Betina; Steinmann, Jan-Philip, 2024: Wechselseitige Bewertungen sozialer Milieus. Erste empirische Befunde zum Einfluss von Netzwerken und moralischen Orientierungen, in: Sackmann, Reinhold; Dirksmeier, Peter; Rees, Jonas; Vogel, Berthold (Ed.), Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen, Campus, (forthcoming)

Vacchiano, Mattia; Hollstein, Betina; Settersten, Richard A.; Spini, Dario, 2024: Networked lives: Probing the influence of social networks on the life course, in: Advances in Life Course Research, 59 (1), pp. 100590, doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2024.100590, 19.02.2024, Download PDF

Hollstein, Betina; Settersten, Richard A.; Spini, Dario; Vacchiano, Mattia, 2024: Networked Lives. Probing the Influence of Social Networks on the Life Course, in: Advances in Life Course Research, Special Issue, Link (Date: 29.02.2024)

Grigoropoulou, Nikolitsa; Small (Harvard University), Mario, 2024: Are Large-Scale Data From Private Companies Reliable? An Analysis of Machine-Generated Business Location Data in a Popular Dataset, in: Social Science Computer Review, pp. 1 - 27, doi:10.1177/08944393241245390, 15.04.2024

Bennett, Andrea; Grigoropoulou, Nikolitsa, 2024: Examining Self-regulation as a Potential Intervention for Moral Grandstanding on Social Networking Sites , in: Journal of Marketing Management, (forthcoming)

Weiler, Liz; Hollstein, Betina; Windzio, Michael, 2023: Reciprocal Valuation of Social Milieus: Lines of Conflict and Alliances – Who (dis)likes whom?, Sunbelt Conference, International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Portland (Oregon), United States, 30.06.2023

Weiler, Liz; Hollstein, Betina; Windzio, Michael, 2023: Segmentation and Social Mileus. Who (dis)likes whom?, 7th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), Universität Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 05.09.2023

Hollstein, Betina; König, Florian; Nguyen, Hai Ha; Koehly, Laura M., 2023: Qualitative approaches to analyze multi-informant network data, Sunbelt 2023, International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Portland, United States, 30.06.2023

König, Florian; Hollstein, Betina; Nguyen, Hai Ha; Koehly, Laura M., 2023: Analyzing multi-informant network data with interpretative methods, EUSN 2023. The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, EUSN, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 06.09.2023

Weiler, Liz; Hollstein, Betina; Windzio, Michael; Steinmann, Jan-Philip, 2023: Die wechselseitige Bewertung sozialer Milieus und die strukturierende Wirkung sozialer Kontakte. Ein methodenintegrierendes Netzwerkprojekt, in: Villa, Paula-Irene (Ed.), Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022, Bielefeld: Online Veröffentlichung, Link (Date: 16.01.2024)