Archive for Social History and Politics
The Archive for Social History and Politics includes original documents of projects, source collections, photo collections, project documents, historical journals, periodical evaluations, filmed archive collections and so forth.The Archive for Social History and Politics hosts collections which can only be found and evaluated at the SOCIUM. Included are particular collections from:
Prof. Ludwig von Manger-König
Professor of Hygiene, Secretary of State at the Bundesgesundheitsministerium (Federal Ministry of Health), German envoy at the WHO who collected internal documents and records. -
Prof. Helmut Paul
Social medicine practitioner who i.a. assessed victims of concentration camps and war. -
Dr. Hugo Freund
Dr. Hugo Freund represented the rememberance of the Weimar Republic and in the 1950s already pointed out consequences of nuclear power. -
Biografical collections
About medical doctors who were persecuted and expelled during the Nazi regime.
In addition, the archive holds periodical evaluations and collections.
- Ludwig Teleky (1872-1957)
An almost complete collection of Ludwig Teleky, social medicine practitioner from Vienna, first industrial medical officer in Düsseldorf who emigrated to New York.