Working Group "Historical and Comparative Welfare State Research"
Global Dynamics of Coverage and Generosity in Work-Injury Compensation, Unemployment and Old-Age Pensions
Research Team: Nate Breznau (Head of project); Sebastian Fehrler (Head of project); Simone Scherger (Head of project); Aline Grünewald
The “Activating Welfare State” – a Political and Social History of German Social Policy, 1979-2017
Research Team: Nikolas Dörr (Head of project); Wanda Schwarze-Wippern; Christof Wittmaack
The Reciprocal Relationship of Public Opinion and Social Policy
Research Team: Nate Breznau (Head of project); Bernhard Ebbinghaus; Lisa Heukamp; Hung Nguyen; Claus Wendt; Christopher Wlezien
Constituting the welfare state in a global perspective
Research Team: Herbert Obinger (Head of project); Carina Schmitt (Head of project); Laura Seelkopf (Head of project); Anja Gaentzsch
Transformation of health care systems in Central and Eastern Europe
Research Team: Mirella Cacace (Head of project); Monika Ewa Kaminska (Head of project); Ertila Druga; Ante Malinar; Liva Stupele
Universal Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development in Europe
Research Team: Herbert Obinger (Head of project); Nikolas Dörr; Lukas Grawe
The Authoritarian Welfare State and the Emergence of Old Age Pension Systems
Research Team: Aline Grünewald (Head of project)
Healthcare reforms and state desertion in East Central Europe: privatizing healthcare, privatizing risks
Research Team: Monika Ewa Kaminska (Head of project)
The Tax State and International Tax Policies
Research Team: Philipp Genschel (Head of project); Stefan Traub (Head of project); Hanna Lierse; Henning Schmidtke; Laura Seelkopf; Hongyan Yang
Conflict genesis in the EU multi-level system
Research Team: Miriam Hartlapp (Head of project); Christian Adam