
Working group "Global Social Policy"

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Obinger, Herbert; Schmitt, Carina, 2024: War and the adoption of family allowances, in: Journal of Public Policy, pp. 1 - 20, doi:10.1017/S0143814X24000035, 16.02.2024

Petersen, Klaus; Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert, 2023: World Wars and the Establishment of Welfare Ministries, in: Social Science History, 47 (4), pp. 543 - 564, doi:10.1017/ssh.2022.50, 12.04.2023

Zohlnhöfer, Reimut; Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert, 2023: Wirtschaftspolitik, in: Wenzelburger, Georg; Zohlnhöfer, Reimut (Ed.), Handbuch Policy-Forschung. 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 561 - 585, doi:10.1007/978-3-658-34560-0

Obinger, Herbert; Schmitt, Carina, 2022: Unemployment Insurance in the Global South since 1950: Drivers of Policy Adoption, in: Global Social Policy, 22 (1), pp. 67 - 83, doi:10.1177/14680181211049654, 08.10.2021

Becker, Bastian, 2022: The colonial struggle over polygamy: Consequences for educational expansion in sub-Saharan Africa, in: Economic History of Developing Regions, 37 (1), pp. 27 - 49, (forthcoming), doi:10.1080/20780389.2021.1940946

Lierse, Hanna; Lascombes, Davy-Kim; Becker, Bastian, 2022: Caught in the Middle! Wealth Inequality and Conflict over Redistribution, in: Social Justice Research, Online First, (forthcoming), doi:10.1007/s11211-021-00384-x (Date: 10.02.2022)

Shriwise, Amanda, 2022: Social Policy and Britain's 1929 Colonial Development Act, in: Nullmeier, Frank; Gonzalez de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Ed.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in Global Perspective, Springer International Publishing, (forthcoming)

Grünewald, Aline, 2021: Between Aspiration and Reality. The Effect of the French Colonial Legacy on Old-Age Pension Coverage in Africa, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Ed.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan, (forthcoming)

Grünewald, Aline, 2021: From Benefits and Beneficiaries: The Historical Origins of Old-Age Pensions From a Political Regime Perspective, in: Comparative Political Studies, 54 (8), pp. 1424 - 1458, doi:10.1177/0010414021989763, 31.01.2021