
Events of the department "Dynamics of Inequality in Welfare Societies".

Haus der Wissenschaft
Room: Olbers-Saal
Sandstr. 4/5
28195 Bremen
21 April: starts at 1 p.m.; 22 April: ends at 2 p.m.
SoSe 2022

Veränderte Lebensläufe (z. B. Lebensformen und Familienverläufe, Erwerbsverläufe) stellen eine Herausforderung für sozialpolitische Absicherung dar. Zugleich werden traditionelle Formen der (erwerbszentrierten) Absicherung schon immer nur denjenigen Lebensläufen gerecht, welche bestimmten normativen Modellen genügen. Zusätzlich stellen Vermarktlichung, Privatisierung und andere Transformationstendenzen sozialer Sicherung individuelles Lebenslaufhandeln vor neue Probleme und Aufgaben. Sich abzeichnende erneute Verteilungskämpfe und gesellschaftliche Krisen wie diejenige infolge der Covid-19-Pandemie gehen auch mit einer kritischeren Betrachtung des Zusammenspiels zwischen Lebensläufen und Sozialpolitik einher.
Vor diesem Hintergrund sollen auf der geplanten Veranstaltung politische Regelungen und Maßnahmen in den Blick genommen werden, welche anstreben, den Komplexitäten von Erwerbs- und Lebensverläufen besser gerecht zu werden als bisherige Formen sozialer Absicherung. Inkrementelle Reformen und Reformkonzepte werden ebenso diskutiert wie größere Entwürfe, wobei wissenschaftliche und aus der (politischen und anderen) Praxis kommende Perspektiven zusammengebracht werden sollen.
Thematisiert werden Formen von Erwerbstätigkeit und ihre Absicherung (mit dem Schwerpunkt auf atypischer Beschäftigung, Solo-Selbstständigkeit, Erwerbshybridisierung), Migration und lebenslauforientierte soziale Sicherung, Formen von (Sorge-)Arbeit und ihre Anerkennung sowie Konzepte des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens.

Programme (latest version)

To take part please register. To register please send an email stating your name, affiliation and email address to

Participation is free of charge. We are currently planning to meet face-to-face (if necessary with Corona-related restrictions) but the final meeting mode might be changed at short notice.


20.01.2022 - 21.01.2022

Social cohesion and the welfare state

Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt

Am 20. Januar 2022 von 12:30 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr Am 21. Januar 2022 von 09:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr
Contact Person:
Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt


3.30 pm - 5 pm
Contact Person:
Partic. Organization:
SoSe 2021

Related new publication:
Clemence Ledoux, Karen Shire, and Franca van Hooren (eds.), 2021: The Dynamics of Welfare Markets - Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Zoom Link

10.09.2020 - 10.09.2020

Herausforderungen gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts

Bremische Zentralstelle für die Verwirklichung der Gleichberechtigung der Frau (ZGF); Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg; Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss; Prof. Dr. Philip Manow; Benedikt Rogge; Prof. Dr. Patrick Sachweh; Senatorische Behörde für Soziales, Jugend, Frauen, Integration und Sport, Bremen

Bahnhofsplatz 13
28195 Bremen
17:00 - 21:00
SoSe 2020

Room: BIGSSS Conference Room 7.3280
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
28/11/2019: 12 pm - 6 pm; 29/11/2019: 9 am - 1 pm
WiSe 2019/20

The concentration of wealth is a key component of the recent rise in economic inequality in many Western societies. Consequently, scholars across the social sciences have begun to study the longterm evolution, composition and unequal distribution of wealth as well as its causes and consequences both within and across nations. So far, however, the question of how societies react to the growing concentration of economic advantage has received little systematic attention. Is wealth inequality considered problematic by policy makers and citizens – and if so, why and with which consequences? This workshop aims to shed light on the political and moral economy of wealth and wealth inequality.

The workshop brings together scholars from sociology, political science, history and philosophy who work on topics that broadly relate to these aspects. Participation is open to others who are interested. They should register in advance by writing an email to Patrick Sachweh ( or Till Hilmar ( before 25 November.

House of Science (Haus der Wissenschaft)
Sandstraße 4/5
28195 Bremen
9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Sc. Administration:
Prof. Dr. Georg Cremer; Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg

29.11.2018Knowledge transfer

Who's gonna take care of granny? Care-arrangements in Germany, Sweden and Italy

Kristin Noack; Marlene Seiffarth; Greta-Marleen Storath
Gondi Bar
Langemarckstraße 249
28199 Bremen
8.30 p.m.

Three doctoral students ask themselves a question: Who will take care of our parents and grandparents if they can no longer do it themselves? In Germany, Sweden and Italy there are very different answers to this question! Kristin Noack, Marlene Seiffarth, and Greta-Marleen Storath from the University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Centre Global Development Dynamics of Social Policy, tell you why, and what Poland, Ukraine, and Romania have to do with it.

SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Room: 3.3380
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
2 - 4 p.m.
Lecture Series:
Jour Fixe
WiSe 2018/19

Abstract: Work and employment around the globe change continuously, but there are potentially more rapid and fundamental transformations ahead as new technologies can have major impact on what jobs will exist in the future, how people will work and how the global division of labor will evolve. This contribution tries to assess the current outlook into the foreseeable future and highlights the importance of labor market institutions that can effectively influence the future of work. This employment chapter of the 2018 International Panel on Social Progress report “Rethinking Society for the 21st Century” addresses the need to reform and update labor market regulation, social protection and active labor market policies as well as the education systems.

Short Biography: Werner Eichhorst studied sociology, political science, psychology and public policy and administration at the universities of Tuebingen and Konstanz where he graduated as Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaftler in 1995. From 1996 to 1999 he was doctoral and post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. In fall 1998 he received his doctoral degree from the University of Konstanz. From 1999 to 2004 he was project director at the Bertelsmann Foundation, a private think tank in Germany. After working with the Institute for Employment Research, IAB, from 2004 to 2005, he joined IZA as Research Associate in July 2005, became Senior Research Associate in February 2006, Deputy Director of Labor Policy in April 2007 and Director of Labor Policy Europe in January 2014, Coordinator of Labor Market and Social Policy in Europa in January 2017. Since November 2017 he is Honorary Professor at Bremen University, affiliated with the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy SOCIUM. His main research area is the comparative analysis of labor market institutions and performance as well as the political economy of labor market reform strategies. He also specializes in different aspects of the future of labor. At IZA he takes care of international and European policy-oriented research activities, addressing in particular EU level employment policies.

Room: BIGSSS Conference Room 7.3280
Mary-Somerville-Str. 9
28359 Bremen
29.01.2018: 1 - 6 pm; 30.01.2018: 9 am - 1 pm
Contact Person:
WiSe 2017/18

University of Bremen, FVG
Room: W0060
Wiener Straße 9
28359 Bremen
4 p.m.
Dr. Sonja Bastin
WiSe 2016/17