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Huinink, Johannes; Jessen, Pay Laurin; Schnettler, Sebastian
Evolution of social norms. Social norms as a topic of recent evolutionary research
Social Norms Conference 2024, Universität Leipzig, ETH Zürich, Ascona (Monte Verita), Switzerland, 10.07.2024

Huinink, Johannes
Qualitätsmerkmale soziologischer Forschung
Season School für Promovierende 2024, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München, Germany, 01.07.2024

Schlerka, Sebastian; Manderscheid, Theresa
Cooperative Processing of Qualitative Research Data
HeFDI Data Week 2024, Online, Germany, 07.06.2024
Link (Date: 25.06.2024)

Mozygemba, Kati; Betancort Cabrera, Noemi
International collaboration as a common approach to improve the FAIRness of non-numeric/qualitative research data
IASSIST and CARTO 2024. Navigating the Future of Data, IASSIST; CARTO, Halifax, Canada, 31.05.2024
Link (Date: 11.07.2024)

Imeri, Sabine; Mozygemba, Kati
Qualitative Forschungsdaten archivieren und teilen. Grundlagen, Verfahren, Strukturen
Open Science in den Gender Studies, Köln, Germany, 16.05.2024

Mozygemba, Kati
QualidataNet - das Netzwerk für qualitative Daten
Sitzung des FDI-Ausschusses, Online, Germany, 19.04.2024

Wittmaack, Christof
Data Sharing of Qualitative Data with Qualiservice
Virtueller Vortrag, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften, Germany, 10.04.2024

Manderscheid, Theresa; Mozygemba, Kati
Qualitative Daten der REX-Forschung im Datenportal "DP-REX"
GESIS, Germany, 20.03.2024

Huinink, Johannes
The Life Course Cube. Life course research as an interdisciplinary enterprise
Resources and well being in a life course perspective. Doctoral Programme LIVES, University of Geneva, Genf, Germany, 12.02.2024
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Hollstein, Betina
Personal network dynamics: A relationship-related structural approach
7th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2023). Keynote lecture, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 08.02.2024
Link (Date: 28.02.2024)