Funding Atlas 2018 - German Research Foundations Funding Atlas 2018 - German Research Foundations
Political Science and Sociology No. 4 in acquiring research grants of the German Research Foundation.

The recently published Funding Atlas 2018 of the German Research Foundations contains interesting numbers for Bremen. If one browses to page 111 one can discover that between 2014 and 2016 the German research Foundation has granted 9.9 Mio euros to sociology and political science in Bremen. Only the Freie Universität Berlin (15,6 Mio. euros), the University of Mannheim (13,8 Mio euros) and the University of Bielefeld (11,2 Mio euros) received more research grants.

These numbers already document the excellent research accomplishments of the social sciences in Bremen. But they become even more outstanding if one takes into account that the years between 2014 and 2016 are mostly the years between the regular end of the funding for the Collaborative Research Center on the Transformations of the State in December of 2014 and the beginning of the funding for the new Collaborative Research Center on Global Dynamics of Social Policy since January 2018. Even without Collaborative Research Centers funded by the German Research Foundation the University of Bremen belongs to the top social science research universities in Germany.

9.9 Mio. euros between 2014 and 2016 translate into approximately 160 full-time employment years for young researchers. Obviously, even social sciences directly create employment here in Bremen. The 25 Mio. euros which the Collaborative Research Center on the Transformations of the State attracted between 2003 and 2014 add another 400 full-time employment years. And the 11 Mio. euros of the new Collaborative Research Center on Global Dynamics of Social Policy for the first four years (2018 to 2021) correspond to further 180 employment years.

The German research Foundation is funded by the Federal and the State governments and awards its grants in a competitive process based on external peer review of the applications. Only approximately a third of the applications are successful. Together with the funds for the Excellence Initiative these research grants entail Collaborative Research Centers, Research Units, Independent Junior Research Groups, Research Training Groups and individual research grants. In 2017 the budget of the German Research Foundations amounted to 3 bn. euros.

Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier