To congratulate these first graduates, the Centre for Social Policy Research organised a small celebration on Friday, 4 July 2008, in the “Barkhof”, the location of the Centre for Social Policy Research.
Frank Nullmeier, among other things the chairman of the commission for the Master in Social Policy, took a look back into the Master’s beginnings, which – even before successfully receiving accreditation in the beginning of 2005 – in the winter semester of 2004/05 started with five students. This advancing development, said Nullmeier, was a testament to the programme’s fundamental substance, although deficiencies needed to still be fully remedied. The number of students now stands at 60, thus showing the success of this programme. Looking ahead, admissions requirements must be expected; the number of applications far exceeds the number of available places.
More information: Master Social Policy: Objectives, requirements, organisation