
Notifications of the SOCIUM since 2015, but also older notifications of the ZeS and EMPAS in the period 2014 to 2008.

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Time for Care

Dr. Johanna Fischer researches "care leave" in Germany and in the EU

In Germany, relatives who provide informal care for their relatives can apply for long-term care leave. In her new postdoc project, Dr. Johanna Fischer (Department of Health, Long-Term Care and Pensions) examines the respective policies in EU countries and especially in Germany and Austria.

Long-term care for older persons faces a variety of problems – not only in Germany. The number of people in need of care will continue to rise in the coming years, while there is a shortage of care workers and places in nursing homes are becoming increasingly scarce. Home care therefore plays an important role, both now and in the future. Informal caregivers, mostly female family members, often face the issue of combining paid work and care.

To counter this problem, many welfare states have established care leave, which constitutes an increasingly popular policy measure for supporting work-care conciliation. However, care leave policies are very heterogenous, for instance as regards target group, duration and payment. In her project "Work-care conciliation policies for informal elder care: Comparing the generosity of long-term care leave schemes in Europe," Dr. Johanna Fischer will look at the different policies in a European comparison. The project is funded by the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen for three years starting in March 2025.


In her project, she first surveys the design of such care leave in all 27 EU states, before then explaining the differences between the countries. Afterwards, she examines the introduction of care leave policies in Germany and Austria in two qualitative case studies qualitative comparative analysis. The focus of the latter is on the political factors and debates that accompanied the introduction of the legislation.

Dr. Johanna Fischer is a political scientist and received her doctorate in 2021 from the University of Bremen on the emergence of social policies for long-term care in a global comparison. Since 2022, she has been a member of the project "Global Dynamics of Long-Term Care Policies" of the Collaborative Research Centre "Global Dynamics of Social Policy". With the funding line "Independent Projects for Postdocs", the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen supports postdocs in the development of their research profiles and their scientific careers.


Text: Maren Emde / University of Bremen

Photo: University of Bremen / Patrick Pollmeier

Dr. Johanna Fischer
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57074

Health and Long-Term Care Economist Appointed for Another Term of Office

Prof. Heinz Rothgang, Head of the Department of Health, Long-Term Care and Pensions, has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Scientific Institute of the AOK" (Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK, WIdO) for another term of office.

The WIdO carries out research for the AOK, aiming to improve the quality of the healthcare system and to make it more efficient. The Scientific Advisory Board advises and supports these tasks by contributing their scientific expertise and experience.

Heinz Rothgang has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the WIdO since 2009. Scientific advice such as this is one of the department's important transfer activities.

Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58557

“Future of Care” Cluster enters the next round

To improve long-term care using digital solutions while at the same time reducing the workload for carers – that is the aim of the research cluster “Future of Care”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The main focus of the second funding phase, which has now commenced, is the transfer of new technologies into practice. An important building block for this is the Nursing Care Innovation Center (Pflegeinnovationszentrum, or PIZ) in Oldenburg and Bremen.

Today, long-term care in Germany is confronted with immense challenges, including a rapidly growing number of people in need of care and a glaring shortage of qualified carers. At the same time, care interventions are becoming increasingly complex. In order to tackle these issues, the Ministry of Education and Research is supporting the development and probing of new care technologies.

Since 2017, the “Future of Care” cluster has synergized social and technological innovations; researchers, businesses and stakeholders in the field co-operated with users and worked on developing new products to facilitate and improve routine long-term care work in Germany. As a first measure, the Care Cluster commenced its operations in 2017 at the Nursing Care Innovation Center – a hitherto unique institution in Germany. Here, engineers from OFFIS in Oldenburg explore new technologies in collaboration with nursing-care researchers (headed by Prof. Dr.  Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research), and long-term care economists (headed by Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang, SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy) at the University of Bremen. Ethical, social and legal aspects are also a key factor in this context, and are investigated at the University of Oldenburg.

After the successful first phase, the research work is now entering phase two, which entails the development of an “innovation and transfer hub”. While in the first phase the focus lay on the development and trial of new technologies, the second phase comprises the transfer and establishment of these technologies into broad practice. They include, for example, robotic systems to reduce fatigue in carers caused by physically demanding work, or technologies to support telecare provision, e.g. assessing a person’s health status using sensor technology.

The University of Bremen contributes with the participation of comprehensive expertise in nursing and care research, long-term care economics and healthcare research, with a particular focus on digital care technologies. “Technological innovations can take the load off routine carework, but they must be implemented sensibly in practical care provision and integrated into the work of carers,” says Professor Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann. The Bremen scientists analyse for instance the requirements for technological support in various inpatient and outpatient care situations, explore how technological innovations such as smart watches and other “wearables” can be integrated into everyday care, and address issues relating to the evaluation of technology deployment. “With our experience, our high profile research areas and our networks we can mediate between the requirements and demands in practical care, the interests of developers, and science,” Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang explains.

Taken together, the “Future of Care” cluster will be funded to the tune of around 20 million euros in the coming five years. Apart from PIZ, four so-called nursing practice centres (Pflegepraxiszentren, or PPZ) in Berlin, Freiburg, Hanover and Nuremberg will play a major role in the implementation and evaluation of technologies and products.


Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58557

Big Success for Early Career Researcher from the Department "Health, Long-term Care and Pensions”

Laura Maaß, PhD student in the department "Health, Long-term Care and Pensions,” has achieved great success in her scientific career early on: The paper "International perspectives on measuring national digital public health system maturity through a multidisciplinary Delphi study," which she co-authored with Hajo Zeeb and Heinz Rothgang, is published in the renowned Nature journal npj Digital Medicine.

To the press release of the LeibnizScience Campus.

Laura Maaß also talks about her research as well as the opportunities and challenges as a young scientist in the current episode of the Digital Public Health Podcast (unfortunately, only in German).

Dr Public Health Laura Maaß
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58610


Sonja Rose

1968 - 2024

Das SOCIUM trauert um seine langjährige Verwaltungsmitarbeiterin Sonja Rose, die am 18. Februar verstorben ist. Wir trauern um eine Kollegin, die trotz langer Krankheit mit viel persönlichem Engagement, einem offen Ohr für die Fragen und Probleme der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie einem herzlichen Lachen fast 30 Jahren lang mit dazu beigetragen hat, dass das Zentrum für Sozialpolitik und dann das SOCIUM zu einer Erfolgsgeschichte geworden sind.

Sonja Rose war fast ihr ganzes Arbeitsleben mit der Universität Bremen verbunden. Während einer Lehre bei der Senatskommission für das Personalwesen (der heutigen Performa Nord) hatte sie 1989 auch eine Station im damaligen Zentrum für Sozialpolitik absolviert, wo sie im gleichen Jahr dann eine Stelle als Schreibkraft in der Verwaltung antrat. Diese Arbeit hat sie mit Freude und Engagement fast 30 Jahre lang ausgeübt, nach 2015 auch im neuen SOCIUM  – bis ihr die geduldig ertragene Krankheit Ende 2018 keine Kraft mehr dazu gelassen hat. Sonja Rose hat nicht nur bei der Verwaltung vor allem der Sachmittel mitgewirkt, sondern war auch kompetente Ansprechpartnerin in den vielen kleinen, aber nicht weniger wichtigen Details einer Verwaltung eines ständig wachsenden Forschungsinstituts.

Das SOCIUM trauert um eine liebe Kollegin, die zugewandt und kompetent ihre Arbeit gemacht hat–  und  die wir in den letzten Jahren vermisst haben. Das Wiedersehen bei der Verabschiedung der langjährigen Verwaltungsleiterin hat uns sehr gefreut und Hoffnung gemacht. Umso trauriger sind wir über die Nachricht ihres Todes.

Sprecherteam, Vorstand sowie alle aktiven und ehemaligen Mitglieder des SOCIUM sowie des früheren Zentrums für Sozialpolitik (ZeS)

Joint declaration of the Bremen research institutions united in the U Bremen Research Alliance and the State Rectors' Conference

Due to current socio-political developments in Germany, we, as Bremen's scientific institutions, would like to make our values and convictions known to the public. We are shocked by the plans to displace people and the plans to dismantle democratic structures that have come to light and we stand firmly and united against them – no matter how small or large the group of those who hold such views may be.

As a hub of science, Bremen owes its strength and appeal to its various institutes and universities, where a diverse and international community of researchers and teaching staff from all over the world work together. It is precisely this diversity of our academics and students that greatly enriches the creative potential of our institutions and our daily work.

At Bremen's scientific institutions, we work together on topics and issues that address the pressing problems of our time – in the natural and technical sciences, humanities, cultural and social sciences, and artistic-scientific research fields. This can only succeed with an open-minded approach and an international culture of welcome. This is and remains a matter of course for us as Bremen's scientific community. With this in mind, we expressly distance ourselves from all forms of discrimination, exclusion, and xenophobia.

We stand for democracy, academic freedom, pluralism, and respectful interaction with one another at Bremen's academic institutions. Our employees and students have a variety of migration histories and it is their commitment that enables us to carry out our tasks in research, teaching, administration, and operations. Students also represent our future in all areas of society. Our employees and students are indispensable to us, and we want to be an attractive and stable employer for them as well as a vibrant place to study in a liberal-minded region. We are committed to this together – with this declaration and in our daily interactions and communication with each other.

The U Bremen Research Alliance:

The U Bremen Research Alliance brings together the University of Bremen and twelve institutes of non-university research that are funded by the federal and state governments and based in the state of Bremen. The alliance is characterized in particular by its multilateral strategic orientation and the strengthening of cooperation in research and administration and stands for major research topics that are addressed across institutions. The aim is to create the best conditions for free, innovative, creative, sustainable, and cooperative research.

The members of the U Bremen Research Alliance are:

University of Bremen; Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI); German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI Bremen site); German Aerospace Center – Institute of Space Systems; German Aerospace Center – Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures; German Maritime Museum (DSM) Leibniz Institute for Maritime History; Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM; Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES; Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS; Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS; Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT); Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering – IWT; Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology

The Bremen State Rectors' Conference (LRK):

The universities in the state of Bremen, represented by their respective presidents (or rectors), form the Bremen State Rectors' Conference (Landesrektor:innenkonferenz Bremen - LRK). The task of the LRK is to represent the interests of the member universities in the field of education and science, in higher education policy, as well as in public, and to raise awareness of common concerns.

The members of the Bremen State Rectors' Conference are:

University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Bremen University of Public Administration, and University of the Arts Bremen. University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Bremen University of Public Administration, and University of the Arts Bremen.


Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther
Chairperson of the U Bremen Research Alliance
Chairperson of the State Rectors' Conference Bremen
President of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen
Tel: +49 (0) 421 218 60011


Merle El-Khatib
Communication and Marketing

U Bremen Research Alliance
Tel: +49 421 218 60046

Christina Kisner presents the LIGA Gröpelingen project in the Health Policy lecture series

LIGA stands for "Lokales Integriertes Gesundheitszentrum für Alle" which can be translated as "Local Integrated Health Centre for All". As such, it aims to provide the people of Gröpelingen with orientation and support in health issues. Project coordinator Christina Kisner presented the concept and structure of the LIGA at the SOCIUM's Health Policy Lecture Series on 10.01.2024.

Gröpelingen has a comparatively young, multicultural population, and is poorer than average. The social structure also has an impact on health care, for example in that language barriers make it more difficult for the population to access the health system. In addition, the number of licensed doctors is decreasing and there is a risk of a local shortage.

The LIGA health centre aims to counter this by combining medical-therapeutic care, counselling services and neighbourhood work. "From the very beginning, it was an idea of LIGA to cover services that are not purely medical, but require a lot of time for advice," says Kisner. This includes, for example, finding specialists, making appointments and pointing out possibilities for individual health promotion.

Planning for the centre began in 2020, and the counselling service, which is an important pillar of the health centre, opened in September 2022. Here, Gröpelingen residents can obtain comprehensive counselling services in different languages, from open health advice to help better understand illnesses and accompany them to doctors' appointments, to advice on the Corona virus or fitness and exercise courses, as well as  assistance with form filling.

In addition to planning a new building for the health centre, Kisner and her colleagues and volunteers are currently working on involving the medical profession in the further design process. In discussions with doctors, they aim to establish which gap the LIGA project is intended to fill and what services are still lacking.

However, it is not only the participation of medical experts that is vital for the LIGA, but also the involvement of people from the district. Here, Kisner emphasizes, the LIGA also differs from other, similar projects: "We use a network that the Gesundheitstreffpunkt West has built up over the last 38 years." The starting point of the LIGA was not medical care, but social district work. LIGA is often out and about in the district and at festivals, with its mobile health advice service, and it organizes activities such as the "Gröpelinger Zahnheld*innen (Tooth heroes)," an educational event for children that focuses on dental care. In this way, the centre works where the people it wants to reach live: "Outreach work is the gold standard for a district like Gröpelingen," Kisner emphasizes.

The idea of a structure that supports and improves medical care within a district has been discussed for several years, especially prominently under the term "Gesundheitskioske" (health kiosks) of which Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach aims to build 1,000 units throughout Germany. In Bremen, the problem of inadequate medical care in socially disadvantaged districts has been under discussion since 2015, and the LIGA in Gröpelingen emerged from this. The topic of district-based health care was already discussed with Dr. med. Johannes Grundmann and Alexander Fischer at two Health Policy Lecture Series events last year. In the coming semester, the discussion will be continued on 17.04.24 with a lecture from Heike Schiffling from the HebammenZentrum West (Midwifery Center).

 The Colloquium on Health Policy lectures are moderated by Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang and Prof. Dr. Eva Quante-Brandt and take place at the Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen. Prior registration is not necessary and admission is free. All talks are in German.

Find more information here.

Text: Maren Emde

BARMER Long-Term Care Report 2023 was presented on 05.12.2023 in Berlin

The BARMER Long-Term Care Report, which is published annually, assesses the current long-term care policy, gauges the long-term care situation, and analyses one focus theme. With respect to the latter, in this year’s  Report, the authors Prof. Heinz Rothgang and Dr. Rolf Müller (both SOCIUM) examine the situation of people in need of long-term care in hospitals.

Coalition agreement targets have not been met

The chief objectives laid out in the coalition agreement on the further development of long-term care insurance and the financing of long-term care have not yet been implemented. These concern, among other things, the tax financing of non-insurance benefits such as pension contributions for family caregivers, the exclusion of training costs from co-payments in residential care, and the refinancing of medical treatment care in nursing homes. In view of the current financial situation and its assessment by the Federal Government, it is unlikely that these projects will come to fruition in the current legislative period.

As all long-term care insurance benefits are capped or flat-rat benefits, the adjustments of their respective sum are an important issue. In the Care Support and Relief Act (Pflegeunterstützungs- und -entlastungsgesetz), adjustments have been introduced which come into force in 2024 and 2025, respectively. However, the adjustments made are inadequate: due to inflation in home care, by 2027 the loss in purchasing power amounts to 18 percent for cash benefits and 14 percent for in-kind benefits, while today co-payments in nursing home are higher than ever before and will even increase until 2026. In this respect the legislation has failed to meet its target. 

People in need of care make up a quarter of patients in hospitals

With increasing age, not only the need for long-term care, but also the likelihood of hospitalization increases, and care is needed after hospital discharge. Between 2017 and 2022, the number of people who became care-dependent during the month of hospital admission remained constant between 260,000 and 276,000 per year. On the other hand, the number of hospital cases of people who were already care-dependent before they were admitted to the hospital has risen significantly during this period – from 2.71 million to 3.45 million. Overall, people in need of care make up around a quarter of patients in hospitals.

More than one million potentially avoidable hospital cases per year for people in need of care

More than one million hospitalizations among people in need of long-term care can be considered potentially preventable. These include, in particular, hospital admissions for diabetes mellitus, type 2, volume depletion, heart failure, other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases of the urinary system. Besides quality in nursing and medical care, the individual care dependents’ cooperation and health related behaviour also play a role here.

Suddenly in need of care – what follows after hospital discharge?

When the need for care is identified in hospital, it is often associated with relatively sudden, serious illnesses such as a heart attack or stroke, and the care grades are usually higher than in other situations in which the need for care is determined. In such cases, the question of further care arises after hospital discharge, for which the home environment is often not adequately prepared. More than half (53.5 percent) of the people who are diagnosed as care dependent in the course of their hospital stay receive exclusively informal care after discharge – i.e., without mobile nursing services or nursing home care. 39.8 per cent receive long-term and 6.4 per cent move into nursing homes. In addition, one in seven people (14.2 percent) receives short-term care. Half of these people still receive full inpatient care a month later. Short-term care thus often bridges time until adequate care is organized.

Changes also for those already in need of long-term care due to hospitalization

For people who are already care dependent, the probability not only of hospitalization, but also potentially avoidable hospitalization is higher than for people without care needs. In many cases, the care grade increases after the hospital stay. As a result, relatives may also be faced with the challenge of changed care needs. Already in the month of hospital discharge, 5.6 percent of those in need of care who hitherto received informal care make use of a mobile long-term care service, and 2.7 percent move into a nursing home. Of those in need of long-term care who previously received mobile nursing care, 8.1 percent move into a nursing home in the month of discharge. Of the previous users of the in-kind long-term care services, 15.7 percent also use short-term care immediately after discharge, which is also very often used as a bridge to full-time inpatient long-term care.

Hospital stays are significantly longer for those in need of care

The search processes that are necessary to find adequate care can delay hospital discharges, while it is in the interest of hospitals, health insurance companies and those in need of care to keep hospital stays as short as possible. Although hospital discharge management is supposed to help with the transition, it often fails simply because there are not enough places in long-term care facilities and it sometimes starts too late and is poorly coordinated. Patients with a newly identified need for long-term care, for example, spend an average of three and a half days longer in hospital than people not in need of long-term care. This may be due to a more severe disease course, but also due to a necessary bridging period. Since subsequent use of short-term care extends the hospital duration by an average of another six days, it is likely that a longer search process for appropriate care is partly responsible for the longer hospital stays.



BARMER Long-Term Care Report 2023

Statement by Prof. Rothgang at the Press Conference

Slide Presentation by Prof. Rothgang at the Press Conference


Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58557

Dr. rer. pol. Rolf Müller
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58554

Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg (FGZ Bremen), Clara Dilger (FGZ Leipzig)Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg (FGZ Bremen), Clara Dilger (FGZ Leipzig)
RISC's first cohesion report examines the composition of social circles of acquaintances in Germany

The first cohesion report by the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (RISC) shows that large sections of the population in Germany have homogeneous circles of acquaintances - and this also influences their world views and experiences. According to the report, the strongest tendency towards network segregation is found among AfD and Die Grünen voters, as well as among highly educated, Muslim and rural population groups. The report is the result of a representative longitudinal study with more than 12,000 respondents. The report focuses on the connection between homogeneous circles of acquaintances and ideals of social coexistence, attitudes towards democracy, experiences of cohesion in the living environment and emotions towards other social groups.

There are hardly any points of contact between many people in Germany, they keep to themselves and move in everyday "bubbles" - this is a popular diagnosis of the times. The first cohesion report presented today by the Research Institute for Social Cohesion examines the truth behind this widespread assumption and the role that the composition of acquaintances plays in social cohesion in Germany.

With the first survey wave of the long-term RISC cohesion study (Social Cohesion Panel), a very large, representative data set for Germany is now available for the first time, which makes it possible to analyze a broad spectrum of attitudes, experiences, emotions and practices of people from all social groups, milieus and regions in the context of their lifestyles and socio-structural backgrounds in a differentiated manner. On this basis, it is also possible for the first time to present empirically validated conclusions on questions of social cohesion in relation to the significance of the composition of the respondents' circles of acquaintances. These findings provide important insights into the spread and mode of action of the "bubbles" in everyday life that are often cited in the media.

Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg, RISC spokesperson and one of the main authors of the study, explains: "Our report shows that the proverbial 'filter bubbles' also exist in the 'analog world': People whose social circles of acquaintances tend to be homogeneous in composition also think, feel and act differently from people who move in more mixed networks. The latter can help to break down barriers to understanding and hostility between social groups."

Further key findings of the Cohesion Report are briefly summarized below.


Homogeneous social networks: especially among Die Grünen and AfD supporters

We find a particularly strong tendency to "keep to themselves", especially among Die Grünen and AfD sympathizers: 50 percent of potential AfD voters report that their circles of acquaintances are predominantly made up of AfD sympathizers; among potential Die Grünen voters, as many as 62 percent have politically homogeneous networks. This tendency towards network segregation is also pronounced among people of Muslim faith, low education and rural residential areas, as well as among East Germans, the rich and highly educated. 

Attitudes towards democracy: you have to be able to afford to trust

There are clear differences in attitudes towards democracy according to education level and income: People with socio-economically privileged networks tend to exhibit high levels of political trust, relatively high levels of satisfaction with democracy and, to a lesser extent, populist attitudes. In contrast, people with less educated or economically disadvantaged acquaintances show less trust in political institutions, a low level of satisfaction with democracy and a higher level of populist attitudes. 

Negative emotions towards other social groups

In Germany, "affective polarization" - the exaggerated emotional identification with one's own group while simultaneously devaluing the other group - is found primarily between competing political camps (left vs. right and Die Grünen vs. AfD). While people who intend to vote for the Gründe have a very positive attitude towards other people who sympathize with Die Grünen, they strongly reject people who sympathize with the AfD. Potential AfD voters, on the other hand, rate other AfD supporters as very likeable and feel a pronounced aversion to Die Grünen supporters. For most social groups with homogeneous networks, the tendency towards affective polarization is also greater. This confirms the assumption that contacts and points of contact between social groups can mitigate hostility between these groups. 

Conclusion: Network segregation favours polarization

Overall, the Cohesion Report shows that the social acquaintance networks of Germans are by no means completely decoupled, but are nevertheless homogeneous and segregated to a considerable extent. For the various social characteristics considered in the study, different manifestations and effects of segregation can be seen. A lifeworld "decoupling" of social groups with opposing attitudes and values as well as hostile feelings is particularly evident between the political camps of Die Grünen and AfD supporters.

The detailed cohesion report and an abridged version are available free of charge on the RISC website:


Press contact

Sarah Lempp
Head of Press and Public Relations
Research Institute for Social Cohesion
Phone: +49 341 9737762

Talk on sustainability in hospitals opened the Health Policy lecture series in the winter semester 2023/2024

An average hospital’s energy consumption is comparable to that of a small town, so it is not surprising that the healthcare system accounts for about 5.2 percent of Germany’s emissions. Figures like these motivate Susanne Schröder to work for change. Her talk on working towards climate neutrality in hospitals opened the “Colloquium on Health Policy” lecture series in the winter semester 2023/2024.

Sabine Schröder has been Quality Management Representative and Mission Statement Officer at Bremen’s St. Joseph-Stift hospital for over 20 years. A few years ago, she decided to work with other colleagues on a more sustainable and climate-neutral strategy for the hospital. She finds her position especially useful for this task: “In quality management, we are well connected with hospital colleagues and talk with everyone anyway!”

There are numerous ways in which hospitals can become more sustainable. Schröder reports for example that the St. Joseph-Stift now uses green electricity, that its canteen offers less meat and has thus reduced its CO2 emissions, and that if the hospital uses disposable cups, they are now compostable. In addition, there are specific changes that hospitals can make: in the operating theatres, gases with lower CO2 emissions are used, the ventilation in the operating theatres is shut down when it is not needed, and pre-filled syringes with a longer shelf life are bought.

Overall, Schröder and her colleagues have already achieved many successes – but she has not yet reached her goal: “If I had one wish, it would be the regulation of packaging by law. Medical devices generate an enormous amount of packaging waste – far beyond what is necessary for sterility.” This was her answer when asked by the audience what she wished politicians would do to help. Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang moderated the subsequent discussion, during which a Bremen hospital network was initiated to work together towards a more sustainable healthcare system.

The Colloquium on Health Policy lectures are moderated by Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang and Prof. Dr. Eva Quante-Brandt and take place at the Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen. Prior registration is not necessary and admission is free. All talks are in German.

Find more information here.