Room: 7.1020
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
2.15 pm - 3.45 pm
Lecture Series:
Jour Fixe
WiSe 2019/20


In the era of globalised supply chains, consumption has developed into a major, geographically distant driver of various local impacts in countries producing raw materials. In my presentation, I introduce a new framework that connects spatiotemporal databases to global economic input-output models. This novel methodology is developed in the ERC-funded project ‘FINEPRINT’ ( and allows tracking of material supply chains at a high spatial detail. I present selected results of how we map the global geographical distribution of mining and agriculture on a detailed (1 km x 1 km) grid cell level and how we link these global extraction maps to spatially explicit data on related environmental impacts, taking the example of deforestation. I then illustrate how we trace raw material flows and related impacts using spatially explicit material flow models, focusing on the case of global biomass flows. The FINEPRINT framework allows robust assessments of raw material footprints and related environmental impacts as a basis for designing targeted action by policy and business to realise more sustainable product supply chains.