Cover Innovationsreport 2019Cover Innovationsreport 2019
Study on innovative medicines of the year 2016 in day to day care

This year's Innovation Report rates 21 active ingredients of the total of 31 medicines launched in 2016.

Oncologics were most frequently evaluated, five drugs contain antiviral drugs, three are recombinant coagulation factors. The remaining active ingredients cover eight further indications. For the first time, a vaccine (the HPV vaccine, which i.a. protects against cervical cancer) was rated in this report. Eight medicines were launched with a fast track assessment.

The special chapter of the report is dedicated to the current topic "vaccination and compulsory vaccination" and discusses measles, HPV and flu vaccines in particular.

The data of the RKI, the KiGGS study and the WHO state that the measles vaccination rates have still not been reached. They show that compulsory vaccination, which has already been introduced in some European countries, has not eliminated measles. The Innovation Report 2019 presents various approaches how an increase in vaccination rates could succeed and how the potential arguments of the anti-vaxxers could be. It illustrates the great importance of physician-patient communication in this context. Compulsory measles vaccination should be the ultima ratio - education and information campaigns need to be developed and strengthened in the public.

Although five medicines were rated with a green overall traffic light, the increase in red traffic lights (61% of all assessed medicines) has degraded the hope of a positive development of newly licensed medicines compared to the last year. For six medicines red hand letters with important information for physicians and patients were sent. This also confirms the assumption that current approval studies provide only a limited picture of effects and side effects, therefore pharmacovigilance studies in the "aftermarket" are urgently needed.

Medicines that represent a true therapeutic innovation and have been assessed with a green (added) benefit signal are human papillomavirus vaccines and medicines in cancer treatment of multiple myeloma (Daratumumab and Elotuzumab) and in the treatment of chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (Sacubitril/Valsartan). Only one medicine (Elbasvir/Grazoprevir) is cheaper than the ACT and has been given a green light in this category. Regarding the price twelve medicines were rated as equally expensive (marked with a yellow traffic light) and four medicines as more expensive (marked with a red traffic light). In comparison with already available therapies, five medicines are marked in green, four in yellow, and 14 in red. Thus, only nine of the new medicines on the market contribute to already approved pharmaceuticals in a positive way.


Innovation Report 2019:

long version

short version

Presentation of Prof. Dr. Gerd Glaeske

Prof. Dr. Gerd Glaeske (verstorben)