Historical Social Research Special Issue “Military and Welfare State” of the Reinhart-Koselleck-Project “Universal Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development in Europe” published

The special issue “Military and Welfare State: Conscription, Military Interests, and Western Welfare States in the Age of Industrialized Mass Warfare” summarizes first results of the Reinhart-Koselleck-Project “Universal Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development in Europe”, funded by the DFG and based at the SOCIUM. Internationally renowned experts examine various aspects of the relationship between the military and the welfare state in the 19th and 20th centuries against the background of industrialized mass warfare. Case studies deal, among other things, with the military origins of German labor protection legislation, health policy and compulsory military service in Chile, the military influence on French pronatalism, and the connection between educational policy and the military in Austria, using the example of the “Reichsvolksschulgesetz” of 1869.

Further information on the special issue can be found at www.gesis.org/en/hsr/current-issues and from the project team at the SOCIUM:
Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger (head of project)
University Bremen
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Mary Somerville Strasse 5
28359 Bremen

e-mail: herbert.obinger@uni-bremen.de