Zeitschriftenbeitrag referiert

Dingeldey, Irene; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2022: Not just Black and White, but different Shades of Grey: Legal Segmentation and its effect on Labour Market Segmentation in Europe, in: International Labour Review, 161 (4), S. 593 - 613, doi:10.1111/ilr.12336

Dingeldey, Irene; Fechner, Heiner; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Hahs, Jenny; Mückenberger, Ulrich, 2021: Worlds of Labour: Introducing the Standard-Setting, Privileging and Equalising Typology as a Measure of Legal Segmentation in Labour Law, in: Industrial Law Journal, 2021, doi:10.1093/indlaw/dwab016, 22.07.2021

Klug, Katharina; Selenko, Eva; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2020: Working, but not for a living: A longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of economic vulnerability among German employees, in: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, doi:10.1080/1359432X.2020.1843533

Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Macchi, Mirjam; Brooks, Nick; Pandey, Rajiv; Banerjee, Soumyadeep; Jha, Shashidhar Kumar, 2017: The Multidimensional Livelihood Vulnerability Index – An Instrument to Measure Livelihood Vulnerability to Change in the Hindu Kush Himalayas, in: Climate and Development, 9 (2), S. 124 - 140, doi:10.1080/17565529.2016.1145099

Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Apablaza, Mauricio; Hoermann, Brigitte; Hunzai, Kiran; Bennett, Lynn, 2015: A Multidimensional Poverty Measure for the Hindu Kush–Himalayas, Applied to Selected Districts in Nepal, in: Mountain Research and Development, 35 (3), S. 278 - 288, doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-14-00027.1

Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Mühleck, Kai; Scheller, Percy; Schrenker, Markus, 2012: Justice Perceptions in Times of Transition: Trends in Germany, 1991-2006, in: European Sociological Review, 28 (2), S. 263 - 282, doi:10.1093/esr/jcq062
