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Prepeliczay, Susanna
Effort and Value of Preparing Qualitative Research Data and Materials in the Social Sciences
Vortragsreihe "Data Snacks", Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland, 22.02.2024

Mozygemba, Kati; Prepeliczay, Susanna
Qualitative Daten teilen und nachnutzen. Das Forschungsdatenzentrum Qualiservice
Online Workshop für das Deutsche Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Deutschland, 24.05.2023

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Empirical results and recommendations for open drug scenes and urban nightlife settings
DRUSEC Final Conference, Deutschland, 30.10.2020

Prepeliczay, Susanna
“Junkies“ versus “zombies“: changes in drug use patterns within open drug scenes in Bremen
ESSD 30th Annual Conference. Drug use trends, patterns, policies and markets, European Society for Social Drugs Research, Riga, Lettland, 27.09.2019

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Empirical findings from Bremen: Fieldwork in the open drug scene and urban nightlife settings
DRUSEC midterm milestone meeting, Universität Paris Descartes, Paris, Frankreich, 29.03.2019

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Motivations and morphology of recreational LSD use in Germany: Empirical findings from a qualitative study
ICPR Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics Research, OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 03.06.2016

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Presentation of selected results from a qualitative study of LSD use in Germany
ESSD 19th Annual Conference. Trends in recreational drug use, European Society for Social Drugs Research, Budapest, Ungarn, 03.10.2008

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Results of Elisad Gateway project, Phase II
EMCDDA 23rd Meeting. REITOX Heads of National Focal Points, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lissabon, Portugal, 25.05.2007

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Assesment of Drug Abuse in Serbia: Empirical finding, conclusions and recommendations
Assesment of Drug Abuse in Serbia, EAR Belgrade Office; Ministry of Health of Serbia, Belgrad, Serbien, 18.04.2006

Prepeliczay, Susanna
Workshop on Drug Abuse in Serbia. Introduction of project objectives and preliminary assesment findings; Discussion on Serbian drug prevention strategy with National experts
Conference and Project Workshop on Drug Abuse in Serbia, EAR Belgrade Office; Ministry of Health of Serbia, Belgrad, Serbien, 30.11.2005