Drobnič, Sonja; Minkus, Lara
Abortion: Life-Course Stages and Disruptive Life Events
Annual meeting, online conference, American Sociological Association (ASA), Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 09.08.2021
Link (Stand: 10.01.2022)
Borowsky, Christine; Drobnič, Sonja; Feldhaus, Michael
Commuting Parents and their Children: Are there Negative Effects on Child WellBeing?
Work and Family Researchers Network Conference. Online, New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 12.03.2021
Bastin, Sonja; Hög, Daniela; Drobnič, Sonja
Impacts on relationship stability: what can we learn from same sex relationships? Poster session
European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce. 18th Annual Meeting, University of Cologne; Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology; gesis Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, online (Zoom), Deutschland, 16.10.2020
Bastin, Sonja; Drobnič, Sonja; Hög, Daniela
Partnerschaftsstabilität in Deutschland. Vergleich von gleich- und gegengeschlechtlichen Partnerschaften.
Kongress 2020. Sektionssitzung Familiensoziologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Deutschland, 15.09.2020
Link (Stand: 05.10.2020)
Tonelli, Simone; Drobnič, Sonja; Huinink, Johannes
Child-Related Family Policy in East and South-East Asia: An Intra-Regional Comparison
Family Policy in Asia, Asia Research Institute, Singapur, Singapur, 21.11.2019
Link (Stand: 21.11.2019)
Borowsky, Christine; Drobnič, Sonja; Feldhaus, Michael
Parents' commuting and child well-being in Germany
6th pairfam International User Conference, Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics - pairfam, Köln, Deutschland, 16.05.2019
Borowsky, Christine; Drobnič, Sonja; Feldhaus, Michael
Parents' commuting and child well-being in Germany
Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality. ISA RC28 Summer Meeting, Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), International Sociological Association (ISA), Frankfurt , Deutschland, 23.03.2019
Link (Stand: 13.06.2019)
Son, Keonhi; Tonelli, Simone; Buhr, Petra; Drobnič, Sonja; Huinink, Johannes
Family Policy between Population Policy and Social Protection
International Conference on Global Dynamics of Social Policy, SFB1342 - Globale Entwicklungsdynamiken von Sozialpolitik, Bremen, Deutschland, 25.10.2018
Drobnič, Sonja
Conceptualizing Family Policy along the Family Life Course
Einzelvortrag, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, 28.09.2018
Klug, Katharina; Drobnič, Sonja; Brockmann, Hilke
Trajectories of Insecurity: Young Adults' Employment Entry, Health, and Well-Being
Einzelvortrag, Centre for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore, Singapur, Singapur, 21.09.2018