
Vorträge filtern
Die aktuellsten 2 VorträgeWeitere finden Sie über die Filter oben.

Seiffarth, Marlene
Crisis as Catalyst? The case of Romanian migrant care workers in Italian home-based care arrangements
Transforming Care Conference. Symposium 8: Transnational care within the European Union in times of COVID-19: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, Online, Deutschland, 25.06.2021
Link (Stand: 22.12.2021)

Seiffarth, Marlene
The role of collective bargaining in regulating domestic work in Italy
Decent Care Work? Transnational Home Care Arrangements, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Online, Deutschland, 08.04.2021
Link (Stand: 22.12.2021)