Zeitschriftenbeitrag referiert

Becker, Bastian, 2022: The colonial struggle over polygamy: Consequences for educational expansion in sub-Saharan Africa, in: Economic History of Developing Regions, 37 (1), S. 27 - 49, (im Erscheinen), doi:10.1080/20780389.2021.1940946

Lierse, Hanna; Lascombes, Davy-Kim; Becker, Bastian, 2022: Caught in the Middle! Wealth Inequality and Conflict over Redistribution, in: Social Justice Research, Online First, (im Erscheinen), doi:10.1007/s11211-021-00384-x (Stand: 10.02.2022)

Becker, Bastian, 2021: Significant others? Social groups, income expectations, and redistributive preferences, in: Social Science Research, 2021 (102612), (im Erscheinen), doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102612

Becker, Bastian, 2021: Temporal change in inequality perceptions and effects on political attitudes, in: Political Research Exchange, 3 (1), S. 1 - 21, doi:10.1080/2474736X.2020.1860652

Becker, Bastian, 2018: Behind the Curve and Beyond: Calculating Representative Predicted Probability Changes and Treatment Effects for Non-Linear Models, in: metodološki zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics, 15 (1), S. 43 - 58, Link (Stand: 10.01.2019)


Becker, Bastian, 2020: Colonial Legacies in International Aid: Policy Priorities and Actor Constellations, in: Carina Schmitt (Hg.), From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 161 - 185,

Becker, Bastian; Getachew Birru, Jalale, 2020: Global Inequality and the Rise of Populism: Risks and Opportunities of Contemporary Debates, in: Achim Kemmerling; Solveig Richter; Raphael Robiatti (Hg.), Populism and a New Age of International Fragility. Seeking Policy Innovations 40 Years After the Brandt Report , Erfurt: Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, S. 41 - 53, Link (Stand: 07.01.2021)

Schmitt, Carina; Becker, Bastian; Ebeling, Judith M.; Shriwise, Amanda, 2020: Critical Assessment and Outlook, in: Schmitt, Carina (Hg.), From Colonialism to International Aid. Understanding the Role of External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South, Global Dynamics of Social Policy , Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 357 - 376, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-38200-1_14


Becker, Bastian, 2021: State-Church Synergies in Colonial Empires: Longitudinal Evidence on Missionary Expansion in Africa, African Ecnomic History Network (Hg.), AEHN Working Papers/64/2021, African Ecnomic History Network, Link (Stand: 02.09.2021)
