
Grünewald, Aline

Sozialpolitik in Diktaturen

Salon Fehrfeld - Forum für Kunst und Kultur, Bremen, 28. Oktober 2017.


Grünewald, Aline

Same or different? Old Age Pensions in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes around the World

NoPSA Conference, XIVV Nordic Political Science Congress 2017, University of Southern Denmark (Odense),  8.-11. August 2017.


Grünewald, Aline

The Historical Roots of Old Age Pension Systems in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes around the World

Unlike Twins?! Comparing Democracies and Autocracies. Insights, Developments and Challenges in Comparative Politics., Conference of the Section "Comparative Politics" German Political Science Association (DVPW), Universität Tübingen, 15.-17. März 2017.


Grünewald, Aline

The Historical Roots of Old Age Pension Systems in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes around the World

DaWS workshop on comparative welfare, University of Southern Denmark (Odense), 23.-24. Januar 2017.


Grünewald, Aline

Die globale Expansion sozialer Sicherungssysteme und die sozialpolitischen Herausforderungen im globalen Süden

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, "Der afrikanische Kontinent und die Süd-Süd Kooperation", Hamburg, 27. Februar 2016.