Teaching and Doctoral Training

Doctoral Training

Doctoral Training


Wanda Schwarze-Wippern

"The Welfare State in the Media and Cultural Discourse, 1982-2017" (since 2020, with Frank Nullmeier)

Christof Wittmaack

"Social Policy in the Perception of the Citizens: Long-term Influences and Change of Attitudes (1982-2017)" (since 2020, with Herbert Obinger)

Malte Wenk

"The Volkspolizei (German People's Police) in the GDR Security System. Ambivalences in the Practice of the Section Officer" (since 2023, with Thomas Lindenberger, Hannah Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism, Technical University of Dresden)

Master and Bachelor

Supervision of Master's and Bachelor's theses mainly on: History and Theory of International Relations, Foreign and Security Policy, Comparative and Historical Welfare State Research, Peace and Conflict Research, Military, Intelligence Studies, Political Party Research, Politics of Memory, Political Extremism and the Cold War.