Curriculum vitae
Professional Experience (in the field of social sciences)
Since 05/2016: Research associate at SOCIUM (working group Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg) and lecturer at the Institute of Sociology, University of Bremen
01/2013-05/2016: Research associate at "Verein OS´T", institute for social work research, Vienna
06/2014-06/2015: Expertise on working conditions and global value chains in the apparel industries (Austrian society for policy development and policy consultation), Vienna
Since 2008: Student assistant in various research projects at the department for sociology at "IHS" (Institute for Advanced Studies), Vienna
Since 09/2016: Adjunct PhD fellow at BIGSSS (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences)
09/2014-07/2016: Doctoral training course "SOQUA" for the international social sciences, hosted by the research centers FORBA, ZSI and SORA, Vienna
04/2012: Completion of the diploma programme in Sociology, University of Vienna, Institute of Sociology (Magister of Social and Economic Sciences)