Teaching Programmes & Supervised Theses
Teaching Programmes
BA Public Health
MA Public Health. Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management
Supervised Theses
2022, Tabea Leonhardt. Chances and Challenges of co-design in the development of mHealth applications regarding to the implementation of a patient-centered health care system. Bachelor thesis (Second reviewer with Dr. Martina Waachtlin, University of Bremen)
2022, Dhana Husmann. What advantages do video consultations offer over in-office consultations during the Corona pandemic in Germany? Bachelor thesis (First reviewer with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus, University of Bremen)
2022, Linda Jungkind. Which factors influence patient acceptance of mobile health applications in Parkinson's disease therapy? Bachelor thesis (First reviewer with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus, University of Bremen)
2022, Minaz Khalaf. What impact do eHealth applications have on the quality of care in doctor-patient care? – A systematic Review. Master thesis (Second reviewer with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus, University of Bremen)
2022, Jana Knief. Relationships between eHealth Literacy and Digital Divide - A Systematic Review. Master thesis (First reviewer with Dr. Tina Jahnel, University of Bremen)
2021, Danny Can-Naique. Potentials and challenges of digitalisation for the health care system in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bachelor thesis (Second reviewer with Dr. Tina Jahnel, University of Bremen)
2021, Tim Papalla. Are social drivers considered in the deployment of digital public health solutions in the healthcare market? Bachelorarbeit (First reviewer with Dr. Tina Jahnel, University of Bremen)
2018, Morten Lavin. Health promotion at workplace. Bachelor thesis (Second reviewer with Dr. Thomas Hehlmann, University of Bremen)