Current Research Projects

1) European Researach Council, ERC Starting Grant, Project title: The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection

Principal investigator, grant amount: 1.486.000 EUR)

Duration: 04/2018-03/2023

2) German Research Foundation, Project title: Measuring the Global Dynamics of Social Policy and Cross-national Interdependencies. Co-creating the Global Welfare State Information System

Project within the CRC 'Global Dynamics of Social Policy'

Principal investigator together with Andreas Breiter (Computer Science) and Ivo Mossig (Geography), Grant amount: 929.700 EUR)

Duration: 01/2018-12/2021

3) German Research Foundation, Project title: Constituting the Welfare State in a Global Perspective. Determinants of Social Security Programmes

Project within the CRC 'Global Dynamics of Social Policy'

Principal investigator together with Herbert Obinger and Laura Seelkopf, Grant amount: 459.400 EUR

Duration: 01/2018-12/2021