Selected Presentations
Schmitt, Carina; Shriwise, Amanda
The Warfare-welfare nexus in British and French West African Colonies in the Course of the First World War
Warfare, Welfare and Transformations of European Society in the 20th Century, Centre Marc Block, Berlin, Germany, 16.10.2021
Schmitt, Carina; Shriwise, Amanda
The Warfare-welfare nexus in British and French West African Colonies in the Course of the First World War
RC19 - Drivers and challenges of social policies. Global, regional, national and local perspectives, International Sociological Association, Fribourg, Switzerland, 26.08.2021
Schmitt, Carina
Colonialism and Social Protection in the Global South: An Actor Centric Approach
State, Society & Cititzen - Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Welfare State Development. 11th NordWel Summer School, Universität Bremen, Germany, 22.08.2019
Link (Date: 19.09.2019)
Obinger, Herbert; Schmitt, Carina
Wehrpflicht, Krieg und die Anfänge des Wohlfahrtsstaates
SPSA Annual Conference & Dreiländertagung, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 15.02.2019
Schmitt, Carina; Shriwise, Amanda
Colonialism and Social Policy in the Global South
Social Policy Beyond the West, Oxford University Department of Social Policy and Intervention , Seminar Hilary Term, Oxford, United Kingdom, 17.01.2019
Schmitt, Carina; Becker, Bastian; Shriwise, Amanda
Colonialism and Social Policy: Towards an Actor-centered Approach
International Conference on Global Dynamics of Social Policy, CRC 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy", University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 26.10.2018
Teney, Celine; Schmitt, Carina
Gleichberechtigung von Immigranten in der Sozialpolitik: Eine ländervergleichende Untersuchung
Geschlossene Gesellschaften. 38. Kongress der DGS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Bamberg, Germany, 27.09.2016
Schmitt, Carina
From Means to Ends: Linking Social Protection to Outcomes in the Global South
Great Transformations. Political Science and the Big Questions of our Time, APSA Annual Conference, American Political Science Association (APSA), Philadelphia, United States, 02.09.2016
Schmitt, Carina
The colonial legacy of social protection or what can we learn from going global?
State, Society & Citizen. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Welfare State Development, NordWel Summer School, Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 08.06.2016
Seelkopf, Laura; Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert; Nullmeier, Frank
Wohlfahrtspolitik zwischen Legitimation von Herrschaft und Gefährdung der Herrschaftsgrundlagen - Ein Blick auf 150 Jahre Soziale Sicherheit
Vorsicht Sicherheit! Legitimationsprobleme der Ordnung von Freiheit, 26. wissenschaftlicher Kongress der DVPW, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Duisburg, Germany, 24.09.2015