Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

Since 08/2016
Affiliated Post Doc Fellow at Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences BIGSSS Field B Welfare State, Inequality and Quality of Life.

Since 04/2016
Postdoctoral researcher at SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (working group "Quality of Life, Family, and Work", head: Prof. Sonja Drobnič, PhD), University of Bremen.

Since 04/2016
ERASMUS-Coordinator at the Institute of Sociology, University of Bremen
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04/2015 - 03/2016
Research associate in the Institute Labour and Economy, University of Bremen, within the department "Change of the Working Society", head: Dr. Irene Dingeldey

04/2010 – 07/2014
Doctoral student of the Max-Planck-Society within the department "Economic and Social Demography", head: Prof. Dr. Joshua Goldstein, deputy: Prof. Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld, Max-Planck-Institute for demographic research, Rostock, assistance within the pairfam-sub-project "DemoDiff"

08/2006 – 03/2010
Student assistant within the department "Theoretical and Empirical Dimensions of Social Structure Analysis (TESS)", Institute for Empirical and Applied Sociology (EMPAS), University of Bremen, head: Prof. Dr. Johannes Huinink

08/2008 – 10/2008
Internship within the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Wiesbaden

12/2006 – 07/2007
Project assistant within the evaluation of the "Juniorwahl 2007 - collateral to the Bürgerschaftswahl in Bremen", head: Prof. Dr. Lothar Probst, InIIS, University of Bremen

4/2010 – 07/2014
Doctoral researcher at Max-Planck-Institute for demographic Research, University of Rostock, degree: Dr. rer. pol.

10/2007 – 03/2010
Study of Sociology and Social Research, University of  Bremen, degree: Master of Arts

07/2009 – 12/2009
Study abroad at the Monash University, Melbourne, degree: Graduate Certificate in Arts

10/2004 - 09/2007
Study of Sociology, University of Bremen, degree: Bachelor of Arts

Awards and Scholarships
pairfam Best Paper Award 2021 for the article "Single Mothers' New Partners. Partnership and Household Formation in Germany", published in 'Journal of Marriage and Family' (Sponsor: Kantar Puliblic)
Woman of the year award 2021 by the state women's council Bremen.

"Allianz Young Talent Award for Demography" (2016),
Dissertation award in cooperation with the 
German Society for Demography

Doctoral scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society for Demography (until 2013)

"Dean's Recogntion Award for Outstanding Academic Results" (2009), award for academic achievement by the Monash University (Melbourne, Australien)

Full graduate scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (2009)


German Society for Sociology, Section on Family Sociology
German Society for Demography

Ad-Hoc Reviewer for the journals

Journal of Family Research
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
European Journal of Population
Advances in Life Course Research