Doctoral training
Academic Chair (for the SOCIUM) of the Bremen International School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) and Co-PI of DFG-funded Research Training Group "Social Dynamics of the Self" (University of Bremen and Jacobs University, spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kühnen) (September 2021 to March 2026)
PhD Supervision (ongoing)
Borbala Greskovics: The interaction between economic and gender equality in various policy and cultural environments in Europe and Latin America (DFG research training group "Social Dynamics of the Self", from 2023)
Sophia Landzettel: Families and deservingness opinion. How do people perceive the deservingness of families in modern welfare states? (DFG research training group "Social Dynamics of the Self", from 2023)
Catalina Ganga León: The emotional dimension of care work in old age: Theoretical contributions from familialistic regimes (from 2021)
PhD Supervision (completed)
Steffen Hagemann: Zwischen Druck und Angemessenheit. Deutungsprozesse in der Auseinandersetzung sozialpolitischer Akteure über Reformen der Alterssicherung in Deutschland und Großbritannien (processes of interpretation in debates of social policy actors around pension reforms in Germany and the UK) (first supervisor, with Frank Nullmeier, 2011-2018)
Thomas Lux: Dissecting later-life employment: The social structure of work after pension age in Germany and the United Kingdom (first supervisor, with Olaf Groh-Samberg, 2011-2016)
Anna Hokema: Deferred, reversed or ‘normal’ retirement? The subjective experience of working beyond pension age in Germany and the UK (first supervisor, with Karin Gottschall, 2011-2016)