Professional experience
January 2018-heute
Project Director, "Global Developments in Health Care Systems and Long-term Care Services"
of the Collaborative Research Center: Global Dynamics in Social Policy (SFB 1342)
University of Bremen, Germany
May 2015-Present
Senior Research Fellow
SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (formerly Center for Social Policy)
Department of Health, Long Term Care and Pensions at the University of Bremen, Germany
October 2016
Visiting Professor
University of Milan, Italy
Department of Social and Political Science
May 2006-December 2014
Managing Director
Project: The Changing Role of the State in OECD Healthcare Systems
The TranState Research Center (SFB 597)
University of Bremen, Germany
May 2006-Dec. 2014
Affiliated Member & Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Social Policy Research (ZES) University of Bremen, Germany
April 2012-Dec. 2014
Adjunct Lecturer University of Applied Sciences
International Political Management
Hochschule Bremen, Germany
Dec. 2008-Oct. 2010
Guest Editor Special Issue, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Duke,University Press, USA
Jan. 2002-Sept. 2002
Editor-in-Chief, Politics Dept. of Political Science
Graduate School & University Center
City University of New York
Mar. 1999-Sept. 2002
English Instructor Excel Learning Center
New York City
Mar. 1999-Sept. 2002
Research Associate
Department of Experimental Psychology
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Aug. 1998-Mar. 2000
Research Associate Child and Family Policy Center & Forum for Children and Families
New York University