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KonsortSWD - Consortium for the social, educational, behavioral and economic sciences
Research Team: Betina Hollstein (Head of project); Christof Wolf (Head of project); Jan-Ocko Heuer; Kati Mozygemba; Susanna Prepeliczay

Domain Data Protocols (DDP) for empirical educational research
Research Team: Betina Hollstein (Head of project); Jan-Ocko Heuer; Susanne Kretzer; Kati Mozygemba

Specialised Information Service Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Team: Andreas Degkwitz (Head of project); Betina Hollstein (Head of project); Matthias Harbeck; Jan-Ocko Heuer; Elisabeth Huber; Sabine Imeri; Susanne Kretzer; Kati Mozygemba

QUALISERVICE - Implementation of a nationwide archive and data service center for qualitative social science interview data
Research Team: Michael Diepenbroek (Head of project); Betina Hollstein (Head of project); Alexia Katsanidou (Head of project); Maria Elisabeth Müller (Head of project); Jenny Hahs; Jan-Ocko Heuer; Susanne Kretzer; Kati Mozygemba

Public service on the move
Research Team: Karin Gottschall (Head of project); Jan-Ocko Heuer; Sandra Kohl

Transformation of the State as Employer
Research Team: Karin Gottschall (Head of project); Kendra Briken; Andreas Häberle; Jan-Ocko Heuer; Sylvia Hils; Bernhard Kittel; Sandra Kohl; Markus Tepe