Organisation of Events and Presentations
Organization of Conferences, Workshops and Sessions (selected)
- Mini-Symposium at CES Conference (together with and Birgit Pfau-Effinger): “Social Policy in Old Age – New Trends, Causes and Consequences for Social Citizenship” University of Lyon/Sciences Po Lyon, France July 3-5 2024.
- PhD-Workshop on Mixed Methods (together with Katrin Menke, Julia Höppner and Sigrid Leitner): “Research Methods in Social Policy and Social Work” University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany May 16-17 2024.
- Panel at Transforming Care Conference (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger): "The Role of Cultural Ideas in the Development of Childcare Policies and Long-Term Care Policies" University of Sheffield, UK June 26-28 2023.
- Consortium Meeting of the EU Project EUROSHIP (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger); University of Hamburg, Germany November 7-8 2022.
- Session at ESPAnet Conference (together with Julia Höppner): “Social citizenship in old age: Linkages and Interrelations between pension and care policies?” University of Vienna, Austria August 31-September 3 2021.
- Stakeholder Meeting of EU-Project EUROSHIP (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger): National Stakeholder Meeting with delegates of BAGSO, BMAS, KDA, NAK and Ver.di. Virtual Meeting, December 2 2020.
- Panel at SASE Conference (together with Patricia Frericks, Julia Höppner and Birgit Pfau-Effinger): “Developments in the Marketization of the Social: New Modes of Redistribution and Inequalities”. Network E “Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States”; Virtual Conference of Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) July 18-22 2020.
- International Symposium (together with Thurid Eggers, Ralf Och and Birgit Pfau-Effinger): „Work, Welfare State and Social Inequality“ University of Hamburg, Germany February 20 2020.
- Workshop for Application for DFG Collaborative Research Centre „Forms of Work in Societal Context“ (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger): „Causal Analysis and Historical, International and Regional Comparative Perspectives “ Berlin, Germany December 19-20 2019.
- Workshop for Application for DFG Collaborative Research Centre „Forms of Work in Societal Context“ (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger): „Theoretical Multi-Level-Approach: Explaining Forms of Work in Societal Context“ Berlin, Germany September 22-23 2019.
- Workshop for Application for DFG Collaborative Research Centre „Forms of Work in Societal Context“ (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger): „ Analysis of Formal, Semi-Formal and Informal Forms of Work: Aims, Innovation and Synergies“ Bonn, Germany March 20-21 2019.
- Workshop for Application for DFG Collaborative Research Centre „Forms of Work in Societal Context“ (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger): „Forms of Work: Main Dimensions and Concepts“ Berlin, Germany September 6-7 2018.
Presentations (selected)
- 'Coping with old-age poverty – The role of agency and different forms of societal support' (together with Ralf Och), CES Conference Reykjavik, Iceland June 27-29 2023.
- 'Lücken in der sozialen Sicherung für ältere Menschen mit Pflegebedarf? Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Renten- und Langzeitpflegepolitik in europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten' (together with Thurid Eggers and Julia Höppner), Presentation at DGS Kongress, Forum sozialpolitischer Forschung, Bielefeld, Germany September 26-30 2022.
- 'The role of cultural ideas, actors and power relations for the path dependence of the German minimum income scheme since the mid-2000s' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), Presentation at ESPAnet Conference Vienna, Austria September 12-16 2022.
- 'Informalizing childcare during the pandemic? Policies towards childcare during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in different types of care arrangements' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), Presentation at RC19/ISA Conference Vilnius, Lithuania August 24-26 2022.
- 'A typology of institutional constellations in European long-term care policies' (together with Thurid Eggers. Presentation at CES Conference Lisbon, Portugal June 29-July 1 2022.
- 'Family Care as a Form of Work? New Policies towards Care by Family Members in European Welfare States’. Presentation at ESPAnet Conference ONLINE, August 31- September 3 2021.
- 'Politik, Kultur und COVID-19: Erklärung von Differenzen in den wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Politiken zur Kinderbetreuung in der Pandemie' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), Presentation at Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGS und ÖGS Vienna, Austria, August 23-25 2021.
- 'Varieties of Marketization - A Typology of Long-Term Care Policies based on the Degree of Regulation on the Supply and Demand Side', Presentation at the 5th Transforming Care Conference. Venice, Italy, June 24-26 2021.
- 'Self-responsibility of the “active social citizen”: Different types of the policy concept of “active social citizenship” in different types of welfare states', Presentation at Virtual Conference of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), July 18-21 2020.
- 'The Institutional Design of Markets in the Field of Long-Term Care Policy – The Relationship between Supply and Demand', presentation at the Annual Conference of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), New York, USA, June 26-28 2019.
- 'Zum Verhältnis von De-familialisierung und Familialisierung - Ein Vorschlag zur Re-Konzeptionalisierung des Ansatzes am Beispiel der Pflegepolitik' (together with Thurid Eggers and Prof. Dr. Birgit Pfau-Effinger), presentation at the DGS Kongress, Göttingen, Germany, September 24-28 2018.
- 'Re-Conceptualising the Relationship between De-Familialisation and Familialisation' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, July 15-21 2018.
- 'A Classification of Care Policies Beyond the „Cash/Care“-Dichotomy' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented Annual ESPAnet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 14-16 2017.
- 'Marketization of Long-Term Care Policies - Explaining Differences in Reform Pathways in Conservative Welfare States' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at 112th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association Montreal, Canada, August 12-14 2017.
- 'Explaining cross-national differences in long-term care policies - a historical study about the role of culture, institutions and actors' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at 24th International CES Conference, Glasgow, UK, July 12-14 2017.
- 'Care Policies towards Familial Care and Extra-Familial Care – Their Interaction and Role for Gender Equality' together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at 3rd Transforming Care Conference, Milan, Italy, June 26-28 2017.
- 'Explaining Cross-National Differences in Elderly People’s Behavior towards Care' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), poster presented at GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, USA, November 16-20 2016.
- 'The Marketization of Long-Term Care' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at 4th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care, London School of Economics, England, August 31-September 3 2016.
- 'Elderly care in the Context of Culture and Care Policies' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria, July 10-16 2016.
- 'Interaction of Culture, Institutions and Actors in Explaining Cross-National Differences in Care Policy Marketization' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), University of California, Berkeley, USA, June 24-26 2016.
- 'Why Do Seniors Often Chose Family Care?' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at the 23th annual CES Conference, Philadelphia, USA, April 14-16 2016.
- 'World Polity and Welfare State Changes' paper presentation at the 12th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Lucerne, Switzerland, March 31-April 1 2016.
- 'New Policies towards Care by Family Members in Different Types of Welfare States' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger), paper presented at the Annual ESPAnet Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, September 3-5 2015.
- 'The Interaction of Culture, Institutions and Actors in Explaining Cross-National Differences in Care Policy Marketization' (together with Thurid Eggers and Birgit Pfau-Effinger, paper presented at the 22th annual CES Conference, Sciences Po, Paris, France, July 8-10 2015.
- 'Investing in children or care for senior citizens? The impact of local child/senior care configurations on social cohesion' (together with Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Patricia Frericks, Ralf Och and Nicola Schwindt), paper presented at "Inclusive Europe Conference", Berlin, Germany, October 9-10 2014.
- 'World Polity and Welfare State Changes' paper presentation at Annual ESPAnet Conference, Oslo, Norway, September 4-6 2014.