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Journal Article reviewed

Grünewald, Aline, 2021: From Benefits and Beneficiaries: The Historical Origins of Old-Age Pensions From a Political Regime Perspective, in: Comparative Political Studies, 54 (8), pp. 1424 - 1458, doi:10.1177/0010414021989763, 31.01.2021

Grünewald, Aline, 2020: The historical origins of old-age pension schemes: Mapping global patterns, in: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 37 (2), pp. 93 - 111, doi:10.1017/ics.2020.23, 12.10.2020

Grünewald, Aline; Seelkopf, Laura, 2016: Auslaufmodell oder Erfolgsgeschichte? Soziale Sicherung in globaler Perspektive, in: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 62 (2), pp. 111 - 140

Article in Edited Volume

Grünewald, Aline, 2021: Between Aspiration and Reality. The Effect of the French Colonial Legacy on Old-Age Pension Coverage in Africa, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Ed.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan, (forthcoming)

Working Paper/Discussion Paper

Grünewald, Aline, 2014: Social Security around the World. A Review of Datasets, Arbeitspapiere des Zentrums für Sozialpolitik/3/2014, Bremen: Zentrum für Sozialpolitik, Download PDF


Grünewald, Aline, 2017: Same or different? Old Age Pensions in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes around the World, NoPSA’s XVIII Political Science Congress, Nordic Political Science Association (NoPSA); Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 08.08.2017

Grünewald, Aline, 2017: Sozialpolitik in Diktaturen, 11. Salon Fehrfeld, Salon Fehrfeld - Forum für Kunst und Kultur, Bremen, Germany, 28.10.2017

Grünewald, Aline, 2017: The Historical Roots of Old Age Pension Systems in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes around the World, Unlike Twins?! Comparing Autocracies and Democracies. DVPW Section "Comparative Politics" Conference, Section "Comparative Politics", German Political Science Association (DVPW), Tübingen, Germany, 16.03.2017

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