Sep. 2022 – current, Professor for Sociology, Quantitative Methods Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany
July 2017 - Sep. 2022, Research Professor for Political Science, Data Science School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, Germany
Aug. 2012 - July 2017, Assistant Professor for Methods of Empirical Social Research, in particular Internet Panel Surveys School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, Germany
March 2011 - Dec. 2015, Owner of Survex – Data Science, Surveys, Statistics
Jan. 2010 - Feb. 2011, Head of Unit, Survey Methods Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging (MEA), University of Mannheim, Germany
Nov. 2005 - Dec. 2009, Researcher, European Social Survey (ESS), GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
Sep. 2003 - Oct. 2005, Researcher, Education Group, National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London, United Kingdom
University of Leuven (Belgium), Postgraduate Certificate in Big Data & Business Analytics, 2017/2018
University of Essex (United Kingdom), Ph.D. in Applied Social and Economic Research, 2007 – 2009
University of Oxford (United Kingdom), M.Phil. in European Politics and Society, 2001 – 2003
University College Utrecht (The Netherlands), B.A. in Social Sciences, The Netherlands, 1998 - 2001