Winter term 2024/2025
1. Introduction to the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany
2. Introduction to Academic Research and Writing in Political Science
3. Empirical Research on Parliamentarism
4. Political Decision-Making
5. Algorithmic Decision-Making in the Public Sector
Summer term 2024
1. Positive Political Theory. Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models
2. Political Polarization. Causes and Consequences from the Perspective of Empirical Election and Decision Research
(together with Yongping Bao)
3. Methods of Social Research I (together with Sophia Hunger and Annelies Blom)
4. Behavioral Public Management Research
Winter term 2023/2024
1. Introduction to the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany
2. Introduction to Academic Research and Writing in Political Science
3. Political Decision-Making
4. Algorithmic Decision Systems in the Public Sector