Hokema, Anna
Teaching social policy in higher education in Germany
FIS-Forum mit Social Policy Biennale 2022, Deutsches Insitut für Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung, Bremen, Germany, 07.10.2022
Hokema, Anna
Extending working lives in Europe. The case of post-retirement employment in Germany
Public lecture, Center for European Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, United States, 03.04.2018
Hokema, Anna
Extending Working Lives in Germany: The Case of Divorced Women Working Past Pension Age
New Lens on Aging: Changing Attitudes, Expanding Possibilities. GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America (GSA), New Orleans, United States, 16.11.2016
Scherger, Simone; Hokema, Anna; Lux, Thomas; Hagemann, Steffen
Fortgesetzte Integration ins Erwerbsleben oder Ausschluss vom wohlverdienten Ruhestand? Befunde zu Erwerbstätigkeit jenseits der Rentengrenze aus der Perspektive erwerbsbezogener und wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Schließungsprozesse
Geschlossene Gesellschaften. 38. Kongress der DGS, Plenum 3 "Einschluss- und Ausschlussdynamiken in Lebensverlauf und Biographie", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Bamberg, Germany, 27.09.2016
Hokema, Anna
At the crossroads of work and retirement: The subjective experience of employment past pension age
Research Seminar, European Master Labour Studies Network, Trier, Germany, 19.05.2016
Hokema, Anna
"I am a pensioner, but I'm an employee, an employable pensioner" - Die subjektive Erfahrung von Erwerbstätigkeit jenseits der Rentengrenze
Arbeit jenseits der Rentengrenze: Zwischen "Entpflichtung" und "Unruhestand". Herbsttagung, Sektion "Alter(n) und Gesellschaft", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Bremen, Germany, 18.09.2015
Hokema, Anna; Lux, Thomas
"Because it's fun"? - Education and work beyond pension age in Germany and the UK from a mixed method perspective
Lives in Translation. Life Course Research and Social Policies, SLLS International Conference, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS), Lausanne, Switzerland, 11.10.2014
Lux, Thomas; Hokema, Anna
The social stratification of work beyond pension age in Germany and the UK from a mixed-methods perspective
Ageing, Anti Ageing & Ageism. Constructions and Politics of Being Old in Europe. Mid-term conference of the Research Network on Ageing, Europe European Sociological Association (ESA), Klagenfurt, Austria, 19.09.2014
Hokema, Anna
Off the beaten track? Post‐retirement employment in Germany and the UK from a life course perspective
New understandings of old age and the lifecourse. 43rd Conference, British Society of Gerontology, Southampton, United Kingdom, 01.09.2014
Hokema, Anna; Scherger, Simone
Life-Course Influences on Paid Work beyond Retirement Age: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence
Facing an Unequal World. Challenges for Global Society. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association (ISA), Yokohama, Japan, 14.07.2014